Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Always Something

In Sarah, Plain and Tall,  Jacob, a widower with two young children, places an advertisement in the newspaper for a wife.  He receives a reply from a woman from Maine, who accepts to come to the American prairies for a month to see how things are before she makes a commitment.  Maggie, a neighbour originally from Tennessee who has married the man to whose advertisement she had herself responded, asks Sarah,  "'You are lonely, yes?'"  Maggie continues, "'I miss the hills of Tennessee sometimes.'"  When Sarah replies that she misses the sea, Maggie adds, "'There are always things to miss.'"

In that context, . . .

There’s always something to miss.
To treasure.
To reject.
To admire.
To envy.
To trust.
To question.
To risk.
To distrust.
To embrace.
To avoid.
To appreciate.
To resent.
To remember.
To forget.
To forgive.
To begrudge.
To cultivate.
To ignore.
To support.
To neglect.
To accomplish.
To regret.
To celebrate.
To mourn.
To love.
To grieve.
To cling to.
To let go of.
To acquire.
To discard.
To express.
To conceal.
To bless.
No matter where we are.
No matter what we might already have.

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