Happy New Year!
Best films, best photos, most newsworthy events, most
memorable statements—all I hear or read since Christmas is lists. So why not throw my
hat, or rather my list, into the ring of New Year listographers. Here are my favorite personal and professional reads, in English and French, from 2013.
1. Joseph Boyden’s complete works:
Three Day
Road is the best novel I have read set during World War I. It is the poetic and gripping story of
First Nations youths who become snipers in the Canadian army;
Black Spruce, winner of the Giller Prize in 2008, is the story of Will
Bird, a former bush pilot in Northern Ontario, and his family, as the challenges of cultural flux impact
their lives;
The Orenda,
the story of First Nations characters Bird and his daughter Snow Falls, and the
Jesuit missionary Père Christophe, at the time of first contact between First
Nations and Europeans in Canada.
Boyden spares nothing in his dramatization of the mutual impact of the
cultures. The novel is so powerful
that I had to read the book in increments to digest the characters and the
events, and to make connections between the past that Boyden describes with
such empathy and insight, and the present. Wab Kinew, Winnipeg hip-hop artist and broadcaster, will defend
The Orenda during the 2014 CBC Canada
Reads from March 3 to March 6.
Almost John Green’s complete works:
Abundance of Katherines
The Fault
in Our Stars (movie to be released later this year).
Green peoples his books with memorable,
distinctive characters with unusual idiosyncracies. Miles Halter from Looking
to Alaska, for example, collects the last words of famous people. Green’s words also provide insight on concepts
we think we understand. In An Abundance of Katherines,
he distinguishes between prodigies and geniuses: “Prodigies can very quickly learn what other people have
already figured out; geniuses discover that which no one has previously
discovered. Prodigies learn;
geniuses do.”
Two books on the horrific experience of First
Nations after Treaty in Saskatchewan and the West:
the Plains: Disease, Politics of Starvation and Loss of Aboriginal Life by
James Daschuk;
Geography of Blood: Unearthing Memory from a Prairie Landscape by
Candace Savage.
For the educators among you, two books on
How to
Create and Use Rubrics for Formative Assessment by Susan Brookhart walks
educators through building and using rubrics for assessment;
Rubrics in Writing Assesssment by Maya Wilson points out that rubrics can
narrow a student’s perspective on the characteristics of “good” writing, and
presents an alternate to rubrics in writing assessment.
Two series in French targeting adolescent
Z. de
Cathleen Rouleau, quatre tomes qui racontent les aventures de Zachary Zed lors
du début du secondaire;
bravoures de Thomas Hardy de Phillipe Alexandre, une collection qui offre
une perspective différente sur les conflits de l’adolescence—s’en sortir en
organisant des projets qui répondent au besoin d’autrui. Félicitations à l’auteur d’avoir
créé un personnage intéressant, des interactions authentiques, et une intrigue
engageante hors du genre fantaisiste.
I also thoroughly enjoyed:
Tenth of
December by George Saunders, a masterful collection of short stories I
purchased after hearing Saunders on The Colbert Report and because December 10
is my son’s birthday;
by Emma Donaghue, a novel about a woman held in captivity for seven years,
narrated by the son she bears during that time. This book is an eerie harbinger of the plight of Amanda
Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight, freed after ten
years of imprisonment in Cleveland in May, 2013.
La petite
rapporteuse de mots de
Danielle Simard (texte) et Geneviève Côté (illustrations), une histoire
touchante d’une petite fille qui collectionne les mots que sa grand-mère a
Beside Them, Penny Kittle’s narrative detailing her successes and
challenges teaching writing to high school students. This is an honest, compelling, and real book—the highest
compliment I can give to a professional work.
In July of 2012, I set a goal to read more and to document
my reading as an incentive. Notice
my goal had nothing to do with New Year’s resolutions, which I never make. I continue to carve out nooks for
reading in the sculpture of each day’s projects and demands. The treasures I have shared with you
today engaged my mind and heart, and altered a few personal paradigms on both personal
and professional fronts. What more
can you ask of a book?
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