You might remember that, in my sort of treasures from my childhood and youth, I found the valedictory I wrote and delivered on the occasion of my high school graduation in September, 1971. I summon the courage to share it as an artifact of the era. After all, a local businessman thought it was good enough at the time to have copies printed and available at the graduation exercises. The speech drips idealism, slips into cynicism, sadly, and settles on a resolve to do good. I have to look past the masculine language, the greeting card quotation, and, in the French section, several anglicisms and more than one awkward structure. Although my role was to speak on behalf of my classmates, I suspect that I oriented the content less around a common vision than my own view of the world.
For what it's worth, here it is:
September, 1971
The improvement of his environment and his
society is a task which as always preoccupied man. In prehistoric times,
primitive man was compelled by the survival instinct to improve his lot as well
as that of his neighbors, or perish.
But, as population increased, civilizations progressed and countries
developed, indifference became common as the direct link between personal
involvement and survival became less obvious. Thus, although personal concern for the welfare of society
has evolved into a responsibility, a duty, it is one too often not recognized,
too often ignored. In today’s
world, we see the results of the labours of many generations. Now, parents and friends, it is our
duty as graduates to contribute our talents towards the improvement of society.
But we face a frustrating predicament. We have passed the talk-no-action stage
of earlier years, a period during which we criticized the decisions of
government leaders, exposed the injustices of society and solved, with a
somewhat dubious plausibility, most of the critical world problems in history
and composition essays. Yet, since
we are in the process of building a future and our opinions are not yet wholly
respected by our peers, we lack the influence which seems essential in
instigating change. Youth is
cornered. It is told to be
patient, to strive for prominent positions before attempting change. But in heeding such advice, it risks
losing its enthusiasm, determination and concern, and becoming part of the
silent majority—placate, content, indifferent, absorbed in the pleasing of
self. Can’t we do something now,
despite the obstacles? Only by
abandoning any grandiose dreams of glory and following Helen Steiner Rice’s
encouraging, though disquieting counsel :
It’s not the big celebrity
In a world of fame and
But it’s doing
In undistinguished ways
The work that God assigned
to us,
Unimportant as it seems,
That makes our task
and brings reality to
“In undistinguished ways”—living our ideas
in order to instill them in others.
Perhaps then we can restore basic values which are being forgotten.
Man, preoccupied with goals of advancement,
success, wealth, and prestige clamours for his rights in society—the right to
freedom of speech, the right to free élections and free assembly. But in his struggle to further his own
interests, he deprives others of their fundamental right as human beings—the
right, not the privilege, to dignity and respect. He will exploit them, use them, insult them, treat them as
inferior because he cannot acknowledge that simply because they are human
beings endowed with reason, intelligence and feelings, their dignity must be maintained. Isn’t this one injustice which we the
youth can correct by fostering in others, through our relations with people, an
awareness of the worth of the individual?
Oui, l’homme, gonflé de son importance et
préoccupé de ses soucis, donne à la jeunesse quelques problèmes à résoudre en
privant son prochain de sa dignité et en montrant une apathie qui menace le
bien-être de la société.
L’apathie, l’indifférence du peuple aux
problèmes de son milieu, est un danger réel qui existe pour diverses
raisons. Quelques-uns ne se
concernent pas avec les activités de la communauté peut-être par ignorance ou
par manque d’intérêt. Dans ce
cas-là, il faudrait s’informer pour s’intéresser. Mais beaucoup de gens ne présentent pas leurs opinions ou ne
participent pas dans les activités par peur de critique de leurs voisins ou
l’insuccès de leur projet. S’ils
ne réussissent pas, les autres riront peut-être d’eux; si leurs idées sont trop
originales pour le temps, ils se demandent, « Qu’est-ce que le monde va
dire? » et ils se contentent
d’améliorer leur sort, de se retirer en eux-mêmes. Mais ils ne réalisent pas qu’en refusant d’accepter leurs
responsabilités, ils enseignent la même attitude à leurs enfants, leurs frères.
leurs sœurs, leurs amis, tous ceux qui se tiennent sous leur influence.
C’est à nous, maintenant, d’éviter ces
erreurs en participant activement dans la vie de la communauté, en prêtant
librement notre temps et nos talents, et en demeurant toujours indépendant du
critique destructif.
Ces buts de préserver la dignité humaine et
de vaincre l’apathie trop commune semblent peut-être incidentels, et pas
adroitement liés aux problèmes majeurs de l’époque. Mais comme tout de concret jaillit de l’abstrait, les
principes et l’attitude générale d’un peuple influencent l’état de sa
société. Pensons-y. Sans le respect universel pour l’être
humain, les espérances d’un monde où tous sont vraiment égaux, où tous peuvent
vivre ensemble paisiblement sont vaines.
Si l’apathie détruit l’ingéniosité et l’enthousiasme de l’homme, est-ce
que les problèmes de pollution, de pauvreté, de guerre seront résolus? C’est un travail essentiel que la
jeunesse peut entreprendre.
Pourquoi? Parce que des
doctorats en philosophie ou en science ne sont pas requis pour donner de
soi-même. Il s’agit seulement de
jouir pleinement de la vie et de s’oublier un peu.
If we are here tonight contemplating our
role in society, it is largely due to the devotion of our parents, teachers,
and religious leaders who encouraged, prodded, advised and scolded until all of
us made it. But here words
fail. For how does one thank for
the gift of part of a life?
Perhaps by using the knowledge which has been imparted to us to preserve
our heritage, to help build a better world, and to safeguard the basic human
rights of man. Confronted by
obstacles, we too will find encouragement in the excellent philosophy of life
expressed by the late Senator Robert Kennedy, who said,
“Some men see things as they are and ask,
‘Why? I dream things that never
were and say, ‘Why not?’”