How might the totality of one’s identity
evolve over the years? Voilà one
of the questions I asked at the end of my last post. Branding, that intentional professional persona one
cultivates to create distinction, separateness, or notoreity, requires dedication
and savvy to pull off. Still, it is
easier to accomplish than sculpting myself into the people I might hope to
Just as a sculptor must know the material
with which he or she is working—wood, marble, soapstone, or bronze, for example—in
order to free, as Michaelangelo said, the form imprisoned inside, I must be
self-aware. To shape my identity, I
must not only know myself. If I aspire to liberate any potential
that lies within, I must also know
myself in relation to others. When I learned about Johari’s Window and
applied that knowledge to my personal development, my own journey on the path of
self-discovery gained momentum.
Johari’s Window gave me an entirely new perspective on
myself. Created by Joseph
Luft and Harrington Ingham in the United States in 1955 as a tool to help
people better understand their relationship with themselves and with others, Johnari’s Window anchored the
content of a graduate class in
human relations I took almost thirty years ago. Although the understanding I developed in that class differs
slightly from the explanations of Johari’s Window I find online and that you
might also encounter in your own searches, I will nevertheless share it with
you here, given its impact on the
development of my own identity.
The Window is created by the intersection
of two graduated axes: what we
know about ourselves (horizontal), and our awareness of what others know about
us (vertical). These intersecting
continua create four quadrants.
1 The
This quadrant is our
goal. People in quadrant one know
themselves very well. They recognize
their strengths and limitations, and they also have an accurate perception of the
information others have about them.
That combination allows them to mobilize all of their potential to reach
goals they set.
2 The Blindspot
People in this
quadrant don’t yet recognize their strengths or limitations; they are very aware,
however, of the perception others have of them. I call this the paralysis quadrant, as people’s focus on
what others think and know about them can undercut their power to achieve.
People in this
quadrant do recognize their strengths and limitations, but are unaware of how others
perceive them. As a result, they
might not anticipate the effect their words and actions might have on the people
around them. My professor called
this the ‘bull in the china shop’ syndrome.
4 Unknown
People in this
quadrant recognize neither their own strengths and limitations nor how others
might perceive them. This
ignorance severely curtails accomplishment, and individuals remain closeted in
their own world like a turtle in its shell.
that class, our professor asked us to keep a journal that chronicled our
journey. I remember using it then,
in my early thirties, to track my position in Johari’s Window, and to make
decisions about both where I could go to inch closer to the Arena and also what
actions I might choose in order to get there. As a result, I gained more control over the direction my
identity could take. Using
feedback to gain specific knowledge about both my own qualities and the
perceptions others had about me, I was able to make decisions that directed me
toward the arena.
myself into the person I have always wanted to be is, of course, a work in
progress. When my time is up,
I will still not have finished. In
the process of identity building, however, Johari’s Window has enabled me to
see through obstacles in my path, and take some action to shape the person I continue
to become.